What we own

Plantation forestry on Kangaroo Island

Kangaroo Island Plantation Timbers owns  86 per cent of the plantation forestry on Kangaroo Island. Its portfolio is about 80 per cent hardwood (bluegum) and 20 per cent softwood (pine). The remaining plantations are owned by 12 private growers, with whom KIPT is consulting regarding harvesting and use of wharf facilities.


Smith Bay Wharf site

The site of the proposed export facility is on Kangaroo Island’s sheltered North Coast. It has deep water for berthing large ships and relatively flat land suitable for stockpiling timber products. It is also a partially degraded site, having been a former land-based abalone farm, and does not provide habitat for any critically endangered species. Smith Bay is close to plantation resources compared to many other proposed sites. Read more here.

An artist’s impression of the jetty at the KI Seaport.SaveSave

Timber Creek Sawmill

The mill is in care and maintenance mode and unlikely to be activated for milling. A private contractor uses the treatment plan to create fence posts and produce crates, sold on Kangaroo Island.

Crates for the Island’s seed potato industry.